LMB FAMILY SERIES ft. Melinda Redzepi

What does being a mum mean to you?
"To me being a mum means being completely and totally overwhelmed (in the best possible way) by love, happiness, responsibility, and selflessness. It’s seeing everything through your children’s eyes and being the best mother you can be so that they will look up to you. It’s seeing those smiles everyday on their faces that warms your heart and makes you love them unconditionally and really know how lucky and blessed you are."
A little bit about Melinda. Who is she?
Melbourne Mum Melinda aka @melindaredzepi_official loves all things fashion and styling. She has been with her husband, Adem for 14 years and married for 7. They have 3 incredible children, two sons and a daughter; Issac, Aston and Sabriya.
How did you pick your children’s names?
"Every couple has the “baby talk” at some point in their relationship and for as long as I can remember we both connected with the names Isaac and Aston if we were to have a boy. Adem always mentioned that if we were to have a girl he would love to name her after his great grandmother Sabriya, which I fell in love with.
Throughout all 3 pregnancies we chose to find out the gender of our babies. When we found out our first born was a boy, we knew it was either going to be Isaac or Aston. (Although many hours were spent googling baby names) it was when he was born, we just knew it had to be Isaac and the same when Aston and Sabriya were born."
Any advice for new mums?
"So many people will give you different advice and sometimes it can become overwhelming. I really think it’s important to do what’s best for you and your little bundle of joy!
This quote has always stuck with me,
Everyone with children will tell you how time flies and to enjoy them while they are little…and seriously it does! Before you know it they will be off to school, so take each day as a blessing!"
Who is your Inspiration?
"I know this is cliché, but my inspiration is my Mum. She passed away when i was 11. I'll never forget ow strong she was as a mother and how much she did for her family. She took so much pride in her appearance and her love for fashion. She would always dress us up in the most beautiful outfits. It must be where i got it from."
How did it feel having a boy then having a girl? Any differences?
"After having my two gorgeous boys who I absolutely adore, I finally got my little girl! To be honest I didn’t feel too much of a difference other than styling and dressing. There is so much more out there to style a girl; from gorgeous matching dresses to matching bows! Options are endless! But you can find some amazing pieces for boys too and it’s all in the way they are styled."
How do you keep your little bambini busy during this time? Education & Fun?
"Although we have our number and alphabet books; which I love spending time teaching the boys with, I feel the best way to learn is through playtime. Isaac loves his Lego and he amazes me with his builds and imagination! Lego helps children think outside the box, so it really is a great learning tool. We also love to draw, bake, play outdoors and of course spend quality time together when they are not playing with their endless amounts of toys."
Favourite activity with them?
"Our favourite activity with them would have to be role play! The kids love it because they get to dress up and use their imagination. I love it because it encourages creativity whilst watching their confidence grow.
They also learn practical life skills such as dressing themselves, how to cooperate, and share with others. Role play is more than just fun, it is an important element of growing up."
We absolutely love your Children's style! Do you have any special outfits of theirs that you will hold onto forever?
"I absolutely love styling my children! The options are endless. There are honestly so many outfits I keep of the boy’s first designer pieces that are so adorable. I just cannot part with them yet! They hold memories for me that are special. The same with Sabriya, being my only girl, I have to hold onto her outfits in the hopes she will pass them onto her children one day."
Do you have a particular style? Favourite Brand?
"There are so many brands I love – Gucci, Fendi, Versace, to name a few. Although, I have to say, my favourite is Dolce & Gabbana. Their collections are timeless, elegant and feminine. What I love most is their silhouettes flatter all shapes and that they also have mini me collections that we can match with children too. My style can vary dramatically. I love simple, clean and crisp but I also love big and bold. I really depends on how I am feeling that day."
What do you love about Lm Bambini?
"Finally! We have these luxury brands for children at our door steps with overnight delivery! They have a great range of brands and apparel especially for the boys and keeping pricing consistent with overseas."
"LM Bambini also delivers beyond their customer's expectations!"
How do you usually spend Mother’s Day and how will you spend it this year at home?
"Mother’s Day begins with breakfast in bed prepared by the boys and unwrapping handmade gifts. I absolutely adore the kinder gifts Isaac makes, there is something special about them. Seeing how proud he is of his little drawing, plant or handmade gift warms my heart.
The afternoon is usually spent celebrating the other amazing women in our lives, my mother in law, grandmothers, sisters and aunties!
This year will be a little different as we aren’t able to go out and enjoy a nice breakfast or lunch but I’m sure it will be just as special celebrating Mother’s Day with my littlest loves at home.
And being spoilt by them, remembering Mother’s Day isn’t cancelled as the sentiment behind the day is more meaningful than ever before!"
We’ve noticed your interest with beauty brands. Can you tell us a little bit more about the projects you’re doing? Tips on how you manage time with your bambini and work?
"I feel it’s important to support all the small businesses, businesses breaking into an industry and ones that just need a little more support.
As a mum of three little ones I’m definitely kept busy every day! But In between I like to do a little social media work on Instagram whether it’s promoting a new product, styling products, showing support or purely just to promote a company I love and am passionate about! Social media is a great platform for that.
Trying to find the time to do these things can be hard but I try do them when the children are napping or once they have all gone to bed at night! It also gives me a little time to catch up on the social media world!
Starting a small business of my own is something I would love to do in the near future, possibly with styling or children’s wear but at the moment I am loving every minute with my little family and seeing them grow! Anything is possible!"